Friday, October 20, 2006

This Week in Review: Pirates 3 News

Welcome to This Week in Review: Pirates 3 News. In this column that I'll update once a week, I'll talk about the biggest news that marked that week on the Pirates 3 News website. This post will be very useful for those who doesn't have the time to read every news on Pirates 3 News. If you find one of the news of particular interest, check for the complete news.

Filming in Guadeloupe Dunes and Niagara Falls: It seems that this week was a big week for filming news. Pirates of the Caribbean was shot in two locations this week: The Guadeloupe Dunes and Niagara Falls. The Guadeloupe Dunes were off limit to the public but it was reported that Jack Sparrow and his crew was to film on that set. In Niagara Falls, no actors were reported, so the falls themselves must have had a big role and surelly the actors will be pasted on in the movie, I can already see the classic scene of characters being pulled toward the falls at great speed while trying desperatelly to reach firm ground.

Trailer Coming Soon: Still an unconfirmed rumor, but it seems that the Pirates of the Caribbean 3 trailer would be release on November 3 in the movie previews of the film Santa Clause 3.

And Even More Stuff: A makeup artist making pirates make-over for childrens, more set pictures, a comic book for Dead Man's Chest, Awards for Depp and even more stuff.

Reminder: Although it's a bit more than a week old, I just wanted to remind Pirates3News fans that we recently put online our discussion forums, feel free to create an account and discuss about the Pirates of the Caribbean.

That's about it for this week on Pirates 3 News. Hope you enjoy the website!

The Pirates 3 News

Thursday, October 19, 2006

This week in review: Transformers HQ

In this new column that I will update every week, I will talk about the biggest news that were posted on Transformers HQ for the week. For more details about the news, visit

Megatron got a new head: After many complaint from the fans about the look of Megatron seen on some leaked concept arts, the movie makers decided to change the look of Megatron who, in the concept art seemed more like an alien from a manga than the old Megatron of the 80's. We still don't know which new look they decided to give Megatron, but we were assured that it wouldn't look like the leaked concept arts.

Voting for the Optimus Prime line contest: A few weeks ago on the official Transformers movie site, was released a contest for the movie. Participants could submit a line that they'd like Optimus Prime to speak in the live action Transformers Movie. Beginning this week, up to October 23rd, the fans can vote for their prefered line amongts the line that were submited earlier, the top ten line will be announced by November 9th.

Transformers inspired songs: Two songs, inspired by the Transformers were released this week by Vince DiCola, who also made some songs in the animated Transformers movie some years ago. The songs are very cool to listen and have an epic feel.

Prequel Book: David Cian, who already worked on many Transformers novel, said that he'll write a prequel book, talking about the events happening just before the events of next year's movie.

More Stuff...: A few new pictures from the set were also released showing a few Transformers cars. Hasbro also thanked the fans who attended Botcon and some new wallpapers were released for the 20th Aniversary Edition DVD of the Transformers that will be released on November.

That's about it for this week, see you next week for another This Week In Review.


The Transformers Headquarters

Monday, October 16, 2006

New Web Site: Ad Pictures World

I've just created a new web site called Ad Pictures World, the website it's still in it's infant stage so it may not look complete but it's online anyway. The website will be a kind of portal to many other website that I will create with my sister and her boyfriend and will focus on exploring some new, fun and interesting ways to incorporate advertising in a website.

Today, nearly every websites have advertising in a way or the other but most of the time, these ads are either ignored (in the case of banners that are placed on the borders of the websites) or are harassing (popups...). Ad Pictures World will try to explore interesting website concept and new avenues to implant advertising that will be fun to look at and that doesn't harass or invade the web surfers.

Check back often for updates!